
Dr. W. Houska award ceremony in 2006

Most successful Austrian start-up company award in 2007
History of the Company
2003 In spring 2003 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mag. pharm. Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch - one of the worldwide most cited pharmaceutical technologists - founded the company ThioMatrix Forschungs- und Entwicklungs- GmbH (www.thiomatrix.com) as spin-out enterprise of the University of Vienna and the University of Innsbruck. It was and still is the aim of this company to develop hightech drug delivery systems and formulations for special challenges of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Already a few years after foundation the company developed for over hundred globally active pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies numerous liquid, semisolid and solid formulations..
2006 The Thiomer-Technology developed and patented by Thiomatrix is awarded with the with 100,000 Euro most generous Austrian science award - the Dr. Wolfgang Houska Prize (www.bcprivatstiftung.at).
2007 Apart from numerous further awards such as the Innovation Award of Tyrol or the nomination for the Austrian National Award for Innovation, the company is awarded the most successful Austrian start-up company out of 1300 competitors.
2008 Because of the strongly increasing business in the field of cosmetic research, an increasing number of own dermo-cosmetic developments and a growing cosmetic patent portfolio, the cosmetic business sector is spun-out in a separate company namely Green River Polymers. The company name is on the one hand derived from the 'green river' Inn on that the company's headquaters is located and on the other hand from the research and development focus on multifunctional polymers for cosmetic use.
2013 In parallel to increasing research activities for clients in particular in the field of body care products Green River Polymers brings in collaboration with selected public pharmacies a new cosmetic series on the market.
PHOENIX Scientific Award 2022

A. Bernkop-Schnürch, CSO Green River Polymers, was honored with the PHOENIX Scientific Award 2022. more.....
Green River Polymers is looking for public pharmacies as partners for its new cosmetic series. In case of interest please contact us under
Green River Hotline:
+43 512 319158
Mo-Th 9.00-17.00
and Fr 9.00-14.00